There are basically three service modules in the cloud computing:
1) SaaS -> Software as a Service, Providers will provide the client with a complete software application environment, including management and the user interface. Clients usually have access to the environment through a thin user interface such as browser, which enables data entry and manages user interactions. Provider must manage everything else, from the infrastructure to the architecture.
2) PaaS -> Platform as a Service, provides clients with the complete development environment incuding virtual machines . operating systems, applications, services. Clients can deploy their own applications programmed using PaaS-compatible languages and tools. With this model, the service provider is responsible for managing cloud infrastructure and the operating systems, and client develop, install and manage the applications they want to deploy.
3) IaaS-> Infrastructure as a Service provides hardware assets to clients, who can then provision themm. Example of these hardware assets are virtual computing systems, storage resources.Clients are responsible for deploying and managing all the other aspects of the infrastructure including Opeations sytstem, application and user interactions with the systems.